Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeLifestyleHow to Shape Up After The Baby

How to Shape Up After The Baby

It is a blessing to get pregnant and more exciting when the baby arrives but we tend to put all the attention on the baby and forget about ourselves.

During pregnancy, it is very normal to gain extra fat and even get out of shape. After giving birth, t can also be easy to get back into shape. Most mothers are too pre-occupied with sleep and the new-born to even think about getting back into shape. Three weeks after my son was born, I had lost 10kgs and every one was wondering the magic i had used to get back into shape.


Before delivery, I talked to my gynecologist on how best to keep in shape as well as the do’ and don’ts after giving birth. It is always good to start controlling weight before delivery. I did a lot of exercises during pregnancy like walking around and it helped me not to put on too much weight. By the time I was nine months pregnant, I had not gained weight. I was also aware of how best I could drop the pounces once the baby arrived.

I had a cesarean. Many people think it is hard to get back a flat tummy once you have had it because the body is delicate, but that was not a problem for me. I was prepared to put in the hard work. I loved my figure before I got pregnant and couldn’t stand  to see it get ruined. A day after delivery, I took a walk regardless of the pain I felt.

I could not use a garter for my stomach to get back. With walks around the house for just 20 minutes, it went back easily. I moved around holding the baby above my chest at least once a day and took hot water three times a day to cut the fat.

Much as getting back in shape may be easy to some people like me, there are those who have to try harder to cut that weight; Here is how you can do it:

Take walks when you are pregnant to help you and your body feel better. Do not run.

Eat a health  meal, try more fruits and vegetables for healthy weight gain

Breastfeeding can also help you shade some weight after delivery because the body loses more calories while breastfeeding.

After delivery, do light exercises since your body is not yet prepared to handle heavy workouts. Take a walk and get fresh air at least once a day.

Swimming could be of use.

Stay away from fatty foods.

Buule John
Buule John
Buule john is the ceo of +256 756894590

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